Service Management

Service Management Software

One of the challenges of dealerships today is responding to traffic in their service department. Without a system in place that improves the service department’s workflow, dealerships will lose thousands of dollars per month as production time bleeds away. Also, directly effecting technician paychecks and retention.

Dealership Management System

Workflow 360˚’s adopted system works with your dealership’s current automotive service management software to service vehicles quicker. A DMS extension help managers solve:

  • Gaps in communication between departments
  • Bottlenecks in the service cycle
  • Limited vehicles moving through the shop
  • Increased downtime while waiting on approvals
  • Ageing software that can’t keep up with the demand

Productivity-Focused Platform 

Better workflow and throughout for increased revenue and higher retention rates

Features That Work With Your System

Real-time information in one place

A typical dealership service software doesn’t guarantee real-time updates about where a vehicle is in the service cycle. Workflow 360˚ populates the data from your existing DMS and gathers it into one place. Team members from each department that is connected to the RO can view real-time updates, full automotive route sheets, conversations between team members, and can easily see where a vehicle is in the process. 

The ability to put tasks on hold

Most dealership service management systems enforce step-by-step task completion. This eats up time that service technicians can be utilized to help the flow of vehicles through the service bay. Workflow 360˚’s DMS extension allows technicians to start one task and place it on hold while waiting for communication from the parts department, customer approvals, and warranty submissions. The ability for technicians to return to a different task keeps their job stacks moving. This results in reduced downtime and more billable hours. 

Two-way communication between service advisors and customers

The way we communicate has changed with evolving technology, yet most automotive service management software has not kept up with the current methods of communication that customers prefer. The text and SMS messaging integration that comes with Workflow 360˚’s DMS extension offers two-way communication that makes quick turn arounds and immediate responses possible. With recommendations, photos, and data in one place that can be sent to customers, technicians can get approvals faster and push vehicles through the service process quicker.

The first cloud-based platform that evolves with market trends

Simple, intuitive, and flexible 

Benefits That Can Be Seen Through Your ROI 

With a simple log in through a cloud-based platform, each department can access real-time data and utilize cross-department communication. Dealerships can see this efficiency working through improved ROI and increased revenue.

Some of these benefits include: 

    • The ability to re-engage customers to turn a higher profit
    • Locate well-maintained vehicles for exchange and up-sell opportunities

A service-based software that works seamlessly with your DMS

No extensive training, complex installation, or costly downtime

Service Management Software FAQ

The service department is one of the most profitable areas for dealerships and relies on the business of satisfied repeat customers. Service management software is essential for data storage, data access, scheduling, and detailed reporting. Workflow 360’s Production Efficiency Platform supports service management software with real-time reporting capabilities, the ability to put tasks on hold, and providing two-way communication between service advisors and customers.

There are many different types of automotive software and the “best” one is subjective to each dealership and what managers need. While automotive software is crucial for the auto industry, Workflow 360’s Production Efficiency Platform is a great tool for managers as it allows for a birds-eye view of active service orders and features real-time information capabilities.