Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ

Everything is time stamped for systematic flow, making sure every department is getting their job done in due time.

No, we make the system work for you. Tell us how to run your store and we fit the software to your process.

There is a light DMS server footprint so we can offer a refresh DMS button on the top right corner.

No, the system is flexible and doesn’t enforce a process. You can start ordering parts and start a vehicle’s inspection process at the same time.

Yes, the customer can adjust how messages are relayed to suit their MPI protocol. Communication can be set up for SMS, phone, email or voice messaging.

No, easy to read icons make it simple for staff and techs to locate where each car is and identify parts and service requirements.

Dealership Management System FAQ

A DMS is a bundle of information systems that helps businesses easily manage sales, service, parts, inventory, HR, payroll, and more in one platform. A DMS helps improve productivity and efficiency for all departments.

A DMS is a crucial tool for all dealerships. They are also used in independent auto shops, the agriculture industry, warehouses, and large equipment manufacturers

Like all software platforms, each dealer management system is different and features vary by developer. There are simple dealer management systems available with only the core features and there are more robust and sophisticated systems with advanced features available.

Some of the common core features of a DMS include:

  • Customer management capabilities
  • Data storage and management
  • Vehicle Inventory management
  • Parts inventory management
  • Electronic scheduling of service appointments
  • Extensive reporting capabilities
  • Dashboard view of activities
  • Accounting capabailities

There are many DMS platforms available on the market today, some with simple features and others with a more robust interface. Ultimately, the right DMS should match the needs of your business. While a DMS with all the bells and whistles may sound great in theory, it might be overwhelming for a smaller dealership and you could be paying more for features that you don’t need or use.

Some of the most important things to consider when choosing a DMS:

  • Overall system capabilities
  • Service & parts capabilities
  • Department integration and communication capabilities
  • Data management capabilities
  • Sales capabilities
  • Accounting capabilities
  • IT and customer support and training

With a DMS that has a built-in MPI dealership software feature, all vehicle service history is archived in the customer’s file and can be accessed at a later date. This allows service advisors to quickly refer to previous MPIs and see past service recommendations. Dealerships can also store information about existing vehicle damage, protecting the company from fraudulent claims.

Sales & Inventory Management Software FAQ

Inventory management plays an integral role in the automobile industry. Inventory management:

  • Minimizes loss occurring from damages and wasted materials
  • Ensures the accessibility of resources for all departments
  • Identifies low quantities of product
  • Avoids over storing and duplication in ordering stock
  • Maintains production costs within budget
  • Eliminates bottlenecks and downtime due to lack of materials

Some of the benefits of a good automotive inventory management process include:

  • Repair orders are done quicker
  • Fewer delays due to out-of-stock products
  • Quicker turnaround times on vehicles, repairs, and services
  • Improved customer service and customer satisfaction
  • Increased profit potential
  • Improved processes and productivity

Inventory management tools are designed to help you balance the right amount of stock to meet customer demand and cash flow. While having a well-stocked inventory can quickly fulfill customer orders and reduce lost opportunities, having an excess inventory of parts that don’t move ties up capital and space.

When this happens, dealerships must find a way to get rid of excess inventory through discounts, which impacts profit margin. An effective inventory management system looks at historical data combined with real-time information on quantities for more accurate demand planning, avoiding the scenario of holding obsolete inventory and increasing a company’s profit potential

The ability to track inventory in real-time, historical data to forecast inventory demand, and cloud-based capabilities are some of the most important features for inventory management in the automotive industry.

Service Management Software FAQ

The service department is one of the most profitable areas for dealerships and relies on the business of satisfied repeat customers. Service management software is essential for data storage, data access, scheduling, and detailed reporting. Workflow 360’s Production Efficiency Platform supports service management software with real-time reporting capabilities, the ability to put tasks on hold, and providing two-way communication between service advisors and customers.

There are many different types of automotive software and the “best” one is subjective to each dealership and what managers need. While automotive software is crucial for the auto industry, Workflow 360’s Production Efficiency Platform is a great tool for managers as it allows for a birds-eye view of active service orders and features real-time information capabilities.

Dealership Operations Software FAQ

Most dealerships use a dealer management system (DMS) software that has everything they need in one platform, including:


  • Customer management capabilities
  • Data storage and management
  • Vehicle Inventory management
  • Parts inventory management
  • Electronic scheduling of service appointments
  • Extensive reporting capabilities
  • Dashboard view of activities
  • Accounting capabilities

Yes, a DMS extension like Workflow 360’s Production Efficiency Platform can improve dealership operations with:

  • Simplified communication across departments
  • Easy data access on a single dashboard for all departments
  • SMS communication capabilities with customers
  • Real-time reporting capabilities
  • Accurate insights on where constraints are happening in the service cycle
  • Accurate data reporting